Saturday, September 15, 2012

Teaching Lulu how to surf.

After a day of surfing in rather shitty conditions I was coming in to relax on the beach, and I saw this little girl venturing confidentially out into the water, surf board barely balanced on her head.

I later learned, she had just seen "blue crush" and was confident she had learned the skills needed to be a kick-butt surfer girl.

I couldn't resist, she was so determined, I wanted to go chat with her, and maybe give her a few tips. I ran into whom I assumed was her mother, watching her daughter at the edge of the water. She was so excited I wanted to help her daughter, and after I worked with Lulu for the afternoon, I couldn't help but want to help her more.

 Her passion was uncontainable and her curiosity to understand conditions,  the lingo, and the skills it would take to become a "surfer" was inspiring. I  fell in love with this little girls spirit and met her on the beach for lessons for the next three days.

Helping Lulu was one of my favorite parts of this summer.

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